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It’s finally published!!!



A funny, inspirational story of growing up in America, finding God (or being found BY Him), written by yours truly!  Replete with humor and honest insight…


Into the Cross-Walk, by BIC (actually Bic is just my pen-name; my real name is Mark). 




Available in the following formats:



Paperback at Amazon

Amazon Kindle

Paperback at Barnes & Noble

Nook ebook


Download a sample chapter here (pdf) or view here (as a web site)



About me:

Mark graduated in the top 1% of his 5A high school class, is a certified ASE mechanic, and once held a medical degree before the doctor told him to put it back on the wall.  Mark is a devout born-again Christian who has perfected his own recipes for home-brewed coffee and all-grain beer, and has been playing the bass guitar since 1984.  Besides writing, he is an avid programmer, a dog lover, has a really cool car and likes to start lots of interesting hobbies, and then abandon them.  Mark’s an interesting guy, if a little crazy…


Other links of interest:


I started a new blog!  Go to http://www.ls1m.com/blog to see more of my writing; some funny, some not…


How to Build a Concrete Storm Shelter: Information can be found here.  It’s my response to the Stuck-In-Traffic-For-36-hours-over-two-days-Rita-evacuation-fiasco-I’m-NEVER-doing-that-again experience.


Bible study: Chuck Missler has forgotten more than I’ll ever know about the Bible.  Visit his site here.  I’ve actually started tithing there because I learn more from him than any church, and since I’m a pureblood Baptist backslider and don’t go to church any more, well, the money has to go somewhere…


How to Shock a Swimming Pool: I learned a lot about swimming pools.  My pool was a dark green at the start of the season, but I’ve documented step-by-step how I went from green sludge, to sparkling blue!  Read about it here.


PVC Pool Ladder: I’ve done a lot to improve my above-ground pool.  I added a skimmer, ran some PVC to a concrete pad where I have a sand filter and a salt-water chlorine generator, built a deck, and perhaps the best thing I did was build my own ladder.  You can see a video of my entire setup here.


OBD2 Scan Tool users: the LS1M scanner is out of production.  See links at left for support information.  I’m very proud of this project of mine.  I sold over 500 of these babies all over the world, which I built & programmed myself, but even at $200 a pop, it wasn’t worth the sleep depravation.


All-Grain Beer Homebrewing: Please see my Youtube videos here.

I would also recommend the homebrew talk forums here,

Brewmaster warehouse is located here,

And you can download my spreadsheet here.

I sold all of my beer-making equipment, though.  It was turning me into an alcoholic.


Home-Roasting Coffee: Please see my Youtube videos here.

Coffee purchased here.


Camaro information: The best resource I’ve found is the LS1Tech forum located here.